Club formation


Club formation

During a 4-day training seminar plus additional tailormade workshops, the OFFS-volunteers on this level are guided by their supervisors from Cross Cultures and the local Sport-for-All-Federation through a club-formation process. The new OFFS-clubs must as minimum apply to the fundamental principles:

  1. Have statutes with a charitable purpose.
  2. A board of minimum three persons that are elected by its members at a yearly general assembly.
  3. Be non-profit and financially transparent.
  4. Be open for all (gender, skill level, ethnic, social backgrounds etc).
  5. Have active memberships.
  6. Have defined their individual “living rules” which amongst other must include adequate safe guarding principles.

(In this context it is important to emphasize that the purpose of each OFFS-club is up to the volunteers themselves to decide. They can do football or other sports, collect stamps, play theatre etc. Thus, what matters to Cross Cultures is the form rather than the content, and that the clubs are open, transparent and democratic praxis).

Back To Basics shows how football clubs and society have changed. The video is relevant in telling how football clubs and specific club structures can bring people together, which speaks to Cross Cultures overall mission:

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Back to Basics by KNVB & Berend Rubingh