Level 2 - Advanced Level


Sport for change

120 hours/20 credits

The objective of the advanced level is to provide the participants learning opportunities for active citizenship and enhanced employability. The workshops will provide a broad foundation of skills needed to succeed in the civil society sector, including, but not limited to Sport-for-All and the fundamentals of project management, innovative civic engagement project design, project-based collaboration and how to work in networks with other like-minded individuals or groups to lead the broader community toward positive change.
The advanced level is organised as an action-learning process in three modules around the main topics:

Knowledge and understanding

At the advanced level, the participants work in theory and practice to understand the role and function of the organised grassroots sport sector as an open, sustainable and democratic structure in local communities.


Apply and convey skills in amongst other

  • Project and sport event management.
  • Innovative civic engagement project design.
  • Project-based collaboration.
  • How to work in networks with other like-minded individuals or groups to lead the broad-er community toward positive change.


The participants have gained theoretical and practical experience and competences in communicating and operationalizing their ideas and visions for society.