Level 1 - Basic Level


Open Fun Football Coach

60 hours/15 credits

The purpose of using the Open Fun Football School program as starting point (basic level) for Cross Cultures Leadership Education is that the Open Fun Football School initiative is an efficient tool to gain access to and mobilize local communities and voluntary leaders and coaches around activities of common interest.

The pedagogical and didactical starting point of the Open Fun Football School program is always children, their welfare and future. Thus, at the Open Fun Football Schools we do not play classic football with the performance sport as the educational model (i.e., skill development, power, and competitiveness). Inspired by the existential concept of Qualities of Sports provided by Claus Boje and Henning Eichberg, Cross Cultures and our partners have developed our own child-centred and community-based fun football approach as framework for the social qualities of the sport.

In this way, the Open Fun Football School program is not about winning, score or results. Rather, we use fun football and our specific learning method (head-heart action), which provides a holistic approach to motivation by turning knowledge, passion, and desire into tools for action and change; as well as a learning tool for exploring and developing a set of common values and guidelines that adult leaders and coaches have an ethical commitment to children to adhere to.

Learning Objectives

The Education (Step 1) must provide the participants knowledge and understanding, skills and competences of how to use fun football and the best interests of the child as mean to bring people together across cultural and societal divides with the purpose to improve social and civic activities, trust, and cooperation between otherwise antagonistic population groups.

Knowledge and Understanding

  • How to use the Open Fun Football School initiative as a catalysator to bring people togeth-er across cultural and societal barriers.
  • How to create learning through joyful games, movement, and collaboration.
  • How grassroots football can constitute an open platform in the local community, where people of different backgrounds can meet and commit to an activity of common interest: children, their welfare and future.
  • What constitutes a good children’s environment?


Participants must be able to:

  • Apply and convey Cross Cultures unique learning approach in theory and practise:
    head (cognition)
    heart (emotions)
    action (abilities)
  • Apply and convey a holistic approach to motivation by turning knowledge, passion, and desire into tools for action and change.


Participants must independently be able to:

  • Mobilise, organise, and manage a network of voluntary Open Fun Football School lead-ers and coaches.
  • Facilitate an open, friendly, creative, and participatory environment around the Open Fun Football School activities.
  • Mobilise and actively. engage a cross sectorial network of local community stakeholders in the Open Fun football School activities.
  • Evaluate and improve own and others’ learning.